This teacher fills in Avengers: Endgame spoilers when his students get too rowdy


Being a teacher is hard work, I know this because I have been a student. And, as students, we take a certain amount of pride in making our teacher’s lives harder, for our own entertainment. However, sometimes our teachers fight back and, as a grown-up, I no longer blame them.

This reddit user’s teacher is pulling in the reigns and taking control of his class by committing the ultimate evil – spoiling the Endgame. The user posted on the forum saying, “My teacher was filling in Endgame spoilers everytime the class got too loud.” Many of us are already in-the-know when it comes to Avengers: Endgame, but there are still a number of people who have yet to see the film, so this teacher is taking FULL advantage of that fact.

And, I can’t imagine this not working. Good job, teach!

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